“Our West Indian Neighbors; The Islands of the Caribbean Sea, America’s Mediterranean: Their Picturesque Features, Fascinating History, and Attractions for the Traveler, Nature-Lover, Settler and…
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“Our West Indian Neighbors; The Islands of the Caribbean Sea, America’s Mediterranean: Their Picturesque Features, Fascinating History, and Attractions for the Traveler, Nature-Lover, Settler and…
Blog Tour for Dark Paradise coming Sept. 10-16. Look for giveaways and fun posts on guest blogs all over the net. Post your photo with…
So the first chapter peaked my interest. The scenario amazingly curious, but then the novel devolves into too much interior life of Claire and her…
As you can see my reviews are not timely. I read what comes to me then write about it. Ian Fleming came up because a…
Wow, what a fun, literary yarn straight from the world of Holmes and Doyle, but better with a female protagonist named Harrison “Harry” Fearing Pell,…